ERO, Acceptance Agent (ITIN and EIN), Tax Preparer, Notary Public, Minister, and Self-Published Author
Authorize IRS E-File Provider, ERO, Prepares federal and state income taxes and audit assistance. Year round tax service (Jan-Oct). File previous returns, ITIN Acceptance Agent,
File LLC documents, S-Corporation Forms, Authorized EIN Acceptance Agent, Form W-4, Form W-7, Form A-4
Resume writing, typing of documents, essays etc....
Notarize documents for Alabama State at Large
Edit book manuscripts, poems, resumes, business manuals, etc...
File Copyright that is owned by the Author, layout, and help with cover! The misconception about writing books some new authors feel a book isn't a book unless it is large and defined with over 300 pages of text in it, I found with my first book after plenty of research that is not true. Although there are different facets that make up book detail, here at White & Yellow Literary Contents, LLC we have adopted and believe the motto "When God stops speaking, I stop writing!"
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